Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Who Am I?

I love fresh sheets, ridiculously shallow television shows, semi-annual sale events and clothing lines devoted to dogs. I’m happily married to my incredible husband and up until this point our marriage has been a testament to the effectiveness of birth control.

Now, we’re ready to change that. The past two years have been a period of incredible transformation in our lives. We’ve said goodbye to old jobs, hello to new careers, struggled through academic pursuits, adjusted to our new financial status and spent many a crazy, wild moment trying to organize the chaos. I’ve also said goodbye to half my body weight – half. Yep, seriously, not a typo – I’ve lost half my body weight. It’s taken a lot of effort and I’m pretty well acquainted with the staff at my local gym now but I’m proud of where I am and ready to start the next chapter.

As someone who has been obese for the vast majority of my adult life, getting pregnant before really wasn’t an option. My period was all but MIA so there was no chance of that. After a surgery to address tubal torsion several years ago cost me my left tube, I became increasingly convinced that it just was never going to happen for me. My period didn’t return and I simply continued on. Fast forward to last August when my period came back! Convinced it was a one time occurrence, I secretly hoped that it wasn’t and was thrilled the following month when it returned again! Fortunately, I’ve been regular since then and am over the moon that apparently the weight was causing the absence of my periods.

We tossed birth control in the garbage in February and have been trying since then. The fertility monitor found ovulation and I felt like it was possible, but then I read about blocked tubes. So in July, I had an HSG to check and ensure that the right tube was functioning correctly. Terrified for weeks, I almost didn’t go to the appointment fearing that I would hear about a blockage and have to look at IVF. When the radiologist told me it was open, I couldn’t stop grinning like a fool, even through the intense cramping! Open!! And now, we’re ready to try and have a baby.

I don’t profess to do everything right or know what I’m doing all the time. I make mistakes and I’ll openly admit to my shortcomings but it’s a great way to learn about someone else’s journey. Welcome to my life.

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