Thursday, July 28, 2011

T Minus 36 Hours

It’s a pretty awesome feeling actually – the first day that you see the second stripe on the ovulation test and aren’t chucking $3 in the garbage for nothing. Happy dance in the bathroom! Now we just have to wait for the second line to get as dark or darker than the stupid control line. But the next part is slightly more complicated. I mean of course, we’re new to trying and it’s still pretty exciting so I can run into the bedroom and tell my husband to make sure he’s available the next 4-5 nights, mornings or late afternoons – I’m open minded!

Having lots of friends who have gone through this process, I can say that it’s different for every couple. I have one friend who swears her husband is so excited just to be having lots of sex that he could care less if she is interested or makes any effort. I have other friends who plan romantic trips around ovulation time. Another friend claims to literally run in the door after work and scream the words “I’m ovulating” at her tv watching husband as she begins disrobing on the way to the bedroom. Now that’s hot.

We’ve always been a pretty normal couple. We’re in love, happy and pretty compatible in bed. We let things happen and in general don’t plan them out – if the mood strikes and things progress – fabulous, but we’ve never planned it like this. Now, it’s a plan. We’ll be having sex the next 4 nights, mood or no mood. How romantic. If this were a TTC (trying to conceive) message board, I would say it’s time for the BD (baby dance) with DH (darling husband). Ha! Fortunately, my darling husband is one of those men who really doesn’t need a whole lot of emotional support or seduction to be interested, so this is right up his alley!

Before, I always figured that I would get pregnant randomly. You know, a random day where everything lined up perfectly and we conceived a child out of a spontaneous act of love. Not so much. It will still be out of love, just not spontaneous. But that’s ok too..

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