The vast majority of the time, my husband and I are like most married couples - we have sex because of the mutual attraction, love and genuine interest in connecting with each other both physically and emotionally. This last week it's been about responding to the information that ClearBlue NotSoEasy has provided. Two bars - we try to have sex. Three bars and we're committed. Unfortunately, three bar night happened to fall on a day that we were both exhausted. Literally. By 8:30 pm we were both a little whiny and longing to go to bed - to sleep. There was no interest on either of our parts.
So we tried. Unsuccessfully. As in I was literally falling asleep and so was he. Not really productive. But we're committed to the process and set the alarm for 5 AM instead of 6 AM. All I could think was oh.. my.. God.. I'm actually waking up at 5 AM to have sex with someone I could have sex with at 10 pm. Holy crap, I have to go to work for 15 hours after this, I'm going to be so tired - *whine*.
Like always though, once we got into it, it was pretty fun. Might not have started in the mood but definitely finished in it. Of course the 30 minutes of falling back asleep certainly didn't hurt either. But I won't lie - I'm tired. And last night, I was disappointed. It felt like another month was going to fly by completely wasted if we didn't complete things last night. Ignore the fact that we attacked this with all the enthusiasm of cleaning the litter box, we want a baby.
Hopefully tonight is a little more engaging and romantic. That's really how I'd prefer to remember this process. *sigh* I wish there were time for a nap.
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